Top 10 Benefits of a Wet / Gravy Dog Food Diet

Gravy Dog Food Diet

What’s being a pet parent without choosing nothing but the best for your fur- ball? Pampering your dog is not a cake walk though. It involves carefully looking after their everyday dietary requirements. Pet parents are becoming increasingly conscious of the food choices available for their canines. Choosing between wet dog food and dry dog food has become increasingly difficult. Despite dry dog food having its benefits (fewer bucks, easy to manage and spill-proof), its wet dog food that trumps every other meal when it comes to your dog’s nutrition.

Let’s explore 10 benefits of a gravy dog food diet for your dog:

-    Basket of Flavours

It’s the hunt for their favourite flavours which keeps dogs hale and hearty. Wet dog food retains flavours a lot more than the dry dog food. Its aroma and texture resembles that of fresh meat which is how even dogs with very particular food choices relish having a gravy based meal.

-    Puppy Power

Wet dog food is protein rich and hits just the right carbohydrate level. Protein aids the healthy growth of a puppy and is a great choice while transitioning from kibble diet. This is partly because the texture of dry dog food resembles the texture of mother’s milk.

-    Ageing Gracefully

As our pets grow older, our love for them keeps growing too. However, dogs start losing their sense of smell and taste with age. Pet-parents have to be mindful of their dog’s food preferences especially when they grow older. Wet dog food emits a vibrant aroma which ties in beautifully with its rich taste. This ensures that our senior dogs eat healthy and remain charged up for their daily adventures.

-    Spoil-Proof Delicacies

Are we in a mood to eat porridge every day? Sometimes, we crave for an instant break from our routine food. Much like us, our pooch needs an instant break from their regular food too. This is where wet dog food comes into the picture. Its vivid smell and taste ensure that your dog has a grand feast every time they dig into a gravy.

-    Hydrated Heroes

Imagine walking in sweltering hot weather wearing 2 layers of fur, feeling the heat already? That’s exactly how our best friends with 2 layers of natural fur feel on hot summery days. A gravy based diet keeps them adequately hydrated and protects them from possible heat strokes. Proper hydration keeps the kidney function and urinary tract health of dogs up to speed.

-    Bouquet of Options

Chicken and Lamb Gourmet Loaf? Chicken Liver Gourmet Loaf? Paneer Stew? Spoil them for choices. Your doggo deserves to eat its mood.

-    Healthy Weight = Healthy Dog

Wet dog food boasts of high protein, high water level and less carbohydrates. Despite consuming lesser calories, dogs experience more satisfaction post a wet dog food meal. This helps in keeping a check on your dog’s weight.

-    Chew Pup Chew!

Pups love wet dog food and find it much easier to chew than dry kibble. Wet dog food is even great for old dogs with tooth decays and weak jaws.

-    Mix it up

You can even try topping up dry dog food with wet dog food. This helps in avoiding absorption of surplus carbohydrates while also ensuring wholesome nutrition.

-    Pawesome Nutritional Value

Blessed with vital vitamins, high protein and lesser carbohydrates, wet dog food surely knocks the ball out of the park when it comes to feeding your favourite beings.

Celebrate your dog’s energy and enthusiasm with food that matches their attitude. Wet dog food does check all the boxes and offers a tantalizing meal for your dog. So, what are you waiting for? Just pour a wet meal in your doggy’s bowl right away!

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